Trap - Neuter - Return (TNR) of Feral Cats

Feral Cat in a Humane Trap with an Ear Tip

What is a Feral Cat?

A feral cat is an undomesticated or “wild” cat. Feral cats live strictly outdoors and do not like human interaction. They will often run away if approached and do not like to be picked up. They live in groups or colonies and reproduce very quickly.

With an average litter size of 4 kittens, reproduction being possible as young as 5 months of age, and an average of 4 litters per year, one female and one male cat can quickly produce more than 15 cats a year. Keep in mind, the kittens from that one female and one male cat will also be reproducing; therefore, those two cats can quickly form of a group of more than 115 in less than one year!

Ear Tip

What is the Feral Cat Package?

We do not currently have any grant funds for feral cats. Therefore, we have to charge our cost to provide these services. The feral cat package is $50 and includes surgery, anesthesia, pain management medications that will be administered both during and after the procedure, an antibiotic injection, a rabies vaccine, and an ear tip. 

What is an Ear Tip?

  1. It is painlessly removing a quarter inch off the top of a feral cat’s left
    ear while the cat is anesthetized for spay/neutering.
  2. Ear tipping the universal symbol of and the only way to permanently
    identify a feral cat who’s been evaluated, vaccinated, and sterilized.
  3. It ensures that a sterile cat will not undergo unnecessary repeat
    trapping and surgery.

What is TNR?

Trap-Neuter-Return TNR involves trapping all the cats in a colony, getting them spayed and neutered, vaccinated, ear tipped, then returning the cats back to their colony and continuing to provide food, water, and shelter. TNR significantly reduces unwanted kittens. It also eliminates many of the nuisance behaviors that plague neighborhoods and businesses such as odor from spraying and noise from fighting.

A TRN program is the alternative to collecting and euthanizing these cats. It reduces the number of cats that are surrendered to animal shelters, saves tax dollars, and improves the communities in which these cats live. Numerous agencies have endorsed our TNR program and it’s use grows everyday. Low-cost spay/neuter surgery services, trap rental, and feral cat training are available at our clinic.

A cat is sitting in a cage looking at the camera.
This is a humane trap. All feral cats must come in a trap similar to this.


  1. LIONS, LIONS, LIONS!! Appointments are necessary. Schedule an appointment for a feral cat as a LION. All feral cat appointments must be scheduled as LIONS!
  2. For your safety, our safety, and the safety of feral cats, they MUST come in a humane trap. 
  3. Feral cats need to stay in the trap for 48 hours after surgery to ensure the anesthesia is out of their system and will be able to protect themselves. 
  4. Keep the trap covered at all times with an old bed sheet or large towel. This helps reduce their stress.
  5. All feral cats receive an ear-tip.

Drop off and pick up times for feral cats: 

**Starting October 14, 2024 we will no longer be able to accept feral cats without appointments. **

Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays:

Drop off – 7:00am – 7:20am

Pick up* – 4:45pm. We close at 5:00pm


Drop off – 8:00am – 8:20am

Pick up – 2:00pm – 2:30pm. We close at 2:30pm

The second Tuesday of every month: 

Drop off – 8:00am – 8:20 am

Pick up* – 2:00pm – 2:30pm. We close at 2:30pm


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